Questo sito è dedicato alla rugbylist, un ritrovo "virtuale" dove si incontrano centinaia di appassionati di rugby.

[RUGBYLIST] interesting news

Marco Piva marco_suomi a
Dom 30 Apr 2017 01:50:03 CEST

Dear friend! 

have you already read that news? It's something  really interesting, you are going  to like it! Just take a look

Sent from my iPhone, Marco Piva

From: rugbylist [mailto:rugbylist a]
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2017 7:50 PM
To: marco_suomi a
Subject: it's called "inertia"

I  dropped my phone in the melted ice bucket  last night while scrounging to  see if I had any of my beers left. There were  none  and i  had had enough...
Turned it  off  and my friend gave me  a plastic container with rice to keep it in  phone is all  better *phew!*

Starting the new year hung over but happy.

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